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This video quote is from Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, a feminist who is the featured artist in her song, Flawless. Chimamanda is a feminist, and this quote is directly from one of her TED Talks that was previously performed.


Chimamanda discusses the current patriarchy that holds women back. Women are told don’t be too sexual. Women are told to “aspire to marriage.” Women are told to look at other women as competitors.


Women are constantly being told.


But Chimamanda is questioning, why are we listening? Why aren’t we loving one-another? Why are we giving all the attention and glory to men?


Chimamanda and Beyoncé are sick of this patriarchy. This quote is instrumental because it gets right to the point of frustration with the current system.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Beyoncé continues to sing, “I took some time to live my life, but don’t think I’m just his little wife.” Now, this is Beyoncé saying all of this. This is not your neighborhood housewife, this is a woman with an $350 million net worth. She even understands what it feels like to be belittled by men, even if it is Jay-Z. Just like Runs the World, Beyoncé is pleading that we are more than wives; we are women. Beyoncé includes other lyrics such as, “I look so good, tonight,” and the repeated line, “You wake up, flawless.” She does not just want women to feel okay or alright, she wants women to feel sexy and love what they look like. Beyoncé produced Flawless to promote a new sense of self-love and body positivity. It is unique how Beyoncé has never made a public statement verbally about feminism, but her music communicates her feelings.

I’m a twenty-one-year-old women in college. I have insecurities, and self-love is not at the top of my agenda always. But, this song really made me feel like I should take a minute and think, I look good. I’m happy with how I look. Screw the haters.


That’s what flawless is trying to convey. Screw the haters; you’re beautiful. This song spoke to me and millions of women who just wanted to feel flawless.

"You wake up, flawless. Post up, flawless"

Beyoncé doesn’t just talk about the positive aspects of being a woman.


Her song Pretty Hurts does just the opposite.

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