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Reflecting on the Repurposing Project:

My original essay was for English 225, a class focused on cities. My argument focused on why food trucks flourish in cities, which was extremely research-oriented. I explored the aspects of mobility, social media, costs, and accessibility. Food trucks have always been something that I have been interested, and I hated that I had to write my original piece as a research essay. I wanted to repurpose the essay because it was boring, and I am not boring.


For the repurposing essay, I wanted to focus more on the change of overall dining styles. After critically thinking about food trucks, I started to remember my childhood experiences at my daily family dinners. It took me quite some time to think of how I can change my piece and present it to the audience in a novel fashion. After a time of deliberation, I produced my repurposing piece that examines the evolution of dining and how the millennials have aided in the shift. One of the hardest hurdles of a repurposing piece is maintaining the original idea while changing the argument simultaneously. 


My repurposed work came out much better than my original piece. I incorporated a narrative style mixed with subtle research so that my voice could shine through. The repurposing project was not as easy as expected, but I appreciated the challenge.


Repurposed Project

Original English 225 Essay

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